Timothy Soriano

The Lightning Archer

This character was in tandem with my Frost Archer Concept. 

Continuing my fascination with Archery, my goal for this character was simply an archer with the spirit animal of a snake with an affinity for lightning. He has to supercharge his bow before shooting a thunderous bolt of arrow made of green lightning, creating explosive AOE damage. 

Like his chaotic and explosive capabilities, he's serious and boldly honest about his thoughts and opinions, most say to an annoyingly flawed degree. He can also be quite lethargic at times, as his favorite pastime is sleeping under trees (or on thick tree branches).

Goddess of the Moon
The Dark Mother
Goddess of the Sun
Mikazuki Nakano
Orion Seaver
The Red Phantom
Goddess of the Moon
The Dark Mother
Goddess of the Sun
Mikazuki Nakano
Orion Seaver
The Red Phantom
Goddess of the Moon
The Dark Mother
Goddess of the Sun
Mikazuki Nakano
Orion Seaver
The Red Phantom
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