Timothy Soriano

Mikazuki Nakano, The Mage

I thought of a mage character who uses symbols/glyphs to utilize a wide arrange of magic types. She is set in an alternate world (2030-2050) where humans coexist with magical beings, but magic is all but science to them. However, Mikazuki is part of a special few whose source and type of magic is unexplainable by science, which people in their world call "the Arcanas". Unfortunately, The Arcanas, or Arcane Mages, are sought out to be eradicated,

 for not all Arcane Mages use their abilities for good.

Mika strives to be different, using her cards and glyphs to save the common folk in the streets. Bold, courageous and confident despite society looking down on her.


With Mika, I struggled a lot with her outfit and her final illustration pose. Before settling with the character's story, I explored Mikazuki's possible different outfits all focused on her traits of being bold and deceptive with a magician-like attire. She is set in a futuristic world which made me struggle conceptualizing her outfit, especially since I wanted her to be a mage and didn't want to just to go with the stereotypical robes and hood that comes with a wizard/mage. She is also set in the same world as The Red Phantom and the Celestial Goddesses.

As for her pose and final illustration, I to focus on her card-like abilities with glyphs that she can throw on an enemy or use on herself to activate the glyph on those cards. For now, she has to manually write the glyphs on a sturdy enough paper to activate the glyph and so the paper doesn't just float in the air when thrown.  I eventually plan to reveal where her glyphs come from, and how her glyph-related abilities will develop beyond being written in cards.

Goddess of the Moon
The Dark Mother
Goddess of the Sun
Orion Seaver
Raijin Boreas
The Red Phantom
Goddess of the Moon
The Dark Mother
Goddess of the Sun
Orion Seaver
Raijin Boreas
The Red Phantom
Goddess of the Moon
The Dark Mother
Goddess of the Sun
Orion Seaver
Raijin Boreas
The Red Phantom
Using Format